


I first encountered Hatha yoga in 1988 and noticed a big change in my mind and body. I was excited to learn more and began to study Oriental medicine, Ayurveda, and Raja yoga. In 2003 I first began to study Ashtanga yoga under Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore India. Since then I have been practicing myself  while attending the shala in Mysore regularly.  
I am fascinated by meditation state born from the flow of Ashtanga Yoga and breathing and the effect on mind and body. I have been teaching Mysore class of Ashtanga Yoga method as taught by the KPJAYI in Mysore. I strive to help students to become healthy while adjusting the balance of mind and body.

Rie is authorised to teach the traditional ashtanga yoga system by KPJAYI.



Before I met Yoga I was very busy raising my child and having a full time job. I started Yoga to spend quality time on my own. During my own Yoga practice, I realized how much breath affects my body and also my nerves. When breathing is relaxed, the body is relaxed. When the body is tense, then focusing on breathing will relax the body and nerves. This is not only in yoga practice, in daily life you can always change your way of thinking and awareness to live more free and happier. My child is grown now and I have a lot of free time. It is a good idea to spend time on your own even if you have an extremely hard schedule. It is a good idea to listen to your body and your breathing on your Yoga mat. If you feel this let’s start Yoga together!


To put Yoga into your regular life, your mind and body will change magically. I’ve suffered from a serious illness before. Now I am getting older and Everyday more and more I can appreciate the things what I have in my life. Age does not matter to start Yoga. so do it now. Let’s do it together.


I started Ashtanga yoga practice in 2007. At first I enjoyed it as a physical exercise, but as I continued practicing I realized yoga has effects not only on the body but also on the mind. Then I've started facing myself and sometimes I was disappointed with my negativity. But through learning yoga as a whole, not just asanas, I have come to think I do not have to be the same as everyone, every person is different. I will continue to practice to be able to spend everyday happily as I am. I hope to share yoga, which gave me a huge benefit, with more people. Let's enjoy practicing and exploring together. I went to India to practice with Sharath at KPJAYI in 2016 and since then I have been to Mysore continually.


I started to practice Ashtanga yoga in 2009. Since then I’ve been noticing many changes and starting to realize what yoga is really meaning to me. The reason why I practice is to have healthy body and peaceful mind. and I think that healthy body brings happiness to our mind. Sometimes, I tend to be relied on someone. but from my practice I’m becoming more stronger to make better changes to myself. And that makes me remember the appreciation and to be humble to others. “Yoga is fun.” I want to share my experience to everyone who wants to do yoga. Also to enjoy and have a fun time practicing together. Thank you.


I began my yoga practice about 15 years ago, in my early 30s. I was introduced to yoga and meditation by my first teacher, Harout, from Israel. I later traveled to Dharamshala and Rishikesh in the Northern part of India and then to Beijing, China to study and improve my yoga practice. Ten years ago, my journey took me to Mysore Kyoto to continue my yoga practice through Mysore-style Ashtanga. In this class, I enjoy bringing my focus more to breathing and awareness than on asana and poses. As a teacher, I hope to make your yoga experience fun, enjoyable and strive to help you to integrate the benefits of yoga into your daily life. Come join my Hatha yoga class. Together, we can take time to bring the consciousness back to your breath, return to a state of relaxation and escape the business of day-to-day life.


I have lots of things to do everyday. My consciousness goes back and forth, and I don’t have any space in my mind once in a while. In spite of such a busy daily life, I can get myself back when I do yoga. It’s a really precious time for me and I’m so grateful for Yoga. This feeling is getting stronger nowadays. I suppose everyone has various things in everyday life. In my class I would like you to have time with yourself and to relax your mind. You can find a good balance and have fun. Integrate yoga into your life!